Sidorkevich Liudmila

Sidorkevich Liudmila

Biography of Liudmila Sidorkevich

Degree in architecture, Moscow Architectural University (MArchI). First class degree.
Moscow Architectural University (MarchI).
Certificato Italiano come la Lingua Straniera livello2
Diploma in painting, School of Art Krasnopresnenskaia(KDHSh). First class degree.
Diploma of the college of Air Technologies.
Participated in the competition “Quartier temoin. Centre de congres”, Burkina Faso, 2009.
Neurological clinic for children and women, Quatar, 2009.
General urban plan of city of Genoa:
1. Riqualificazione e recupero urbano dell’area delle ville di Prà e riorganizzazione dei percorsi viari e pedonali. Genova, 2008.
2. Riqualificazione e recupero urbano dei Giardini Baltimora. Genova, 2008.
First place in the competition for a private “villa” organized by the architectural and design magazine  “Красивые дома”
Participated in the competition  “Архитектурная Премия” (“Architectural Award”) in the section “Дом для звезды”
Personal exhibition, Florence, 2010
2° Art Fair PisArt, Pisa, 2010
Art Fair Walking in the art, Sorano, 2010
Urban Lab. Quaderno 1, 2009
Giornale “Красивые дома” 7`(40)2003
Riqualificazione e recupero urbano dei Giardini Baltimora. Genova.
Riqualificazione e recupero urbano dell’area delle ville di Prà e riorganizzazione dei percorsi viari e pedonali. Genova.
Private house. Province of Moscow,Obuwkovskiy district. Village Lazurnii Bereg.
Private house. Provincia of Moscow,Obuwkovskiy district. Village Millenium.
The bank and administration office. Province of Moscow,Istrinskiy district. 14km MKD

Contact the Artist Liudmila Sidorkevich

You can send Liudmila Sidorkevich a message using the contact form

Solo Exhibition of Artist Liudmila Sidorkevich with Association Lucchio Ambiente

Association Lucchio Ambiente presents the exhibition of Artist Liudmila Sidorkevich from Saturday, July 31 on Sunday, August 22 Opening hours Saturday, July 31 17.

Exhibition site address :
Via Vicinato, 1 (Canonica) Lucchio, Italy.

Liudmila Sidorkevich exhibited at the Beijing International Art Fair

The Artist Liudmila Sidorkevich is present with his work at the Exhibition Halls of the World Trade Center in Beijing, 19 to 23 August 2010, at the 13th International Art Fair in Beijing!

Solo Exhibition of Artist Liudmila Sidorkevich

"Custa terra incantada..."
tale in watercolor.

Solo Exhibition of Artist Liudmila Sidorkevich from Friday August 6 to Sunday, August 22 at the elementary school male Iglesias.