Biography of Sabina Ficara

In 2002 he moved to Rome and alternate work with the architect as an artist, exhibiting in various art exhibitions.
The main source of inspiration is given by the world around her, dreams and visions.
His works represent the feelings I feel when I hear perfumes, nell'inebriarsi colors, observing things, living intensely in good and evil in every nuance of life.
Mature professional artistic development through the study of nature and of different cultures with which they came into contact while traveling in Europe, Australasia, particularly New Zealand. From these studies give new inspirations come from research and discovery of human origins and the meaning of symbols, particularly that of the Maori population, compared with the symbols of European cultures.
Training School
Achieved artistic maturity in the school year 1990/91 at the Art School "Mattia Preti 'of Reggio Calabria.
Degree in Architecture awarded in the academic year 1999/2000, on 17/02/2000, at the University of Reggio Calabria.
Admitted to the Architect of the first session of 2000.
Registration of the Architects of the Province of Reggio Calabria in 2001.
Participation in a course of interior design.
Work Experience
From 2000 he worked in the field of architecture. He worked in various studies of Reggio Calabria and Rome where I was responsible for architectural design of residential and commercial buildings, furniture, outdoor and landscape architecture. He currently works with a construction company in Rome that is responsible for preliminary architectural design, development and construction documents, construction management of exhibition stands for national and multinational companies (Total, Chiquita, Convert, Engineering, Spx, Farmindustria and others) made for events national.
Participation in awards and reviews over the past four years.
• Participation in the artistic exhibition "Pier Paolo Pasolini town of Monte Verde, in the Museum of Old Villa at Villa Pamphili by the GAM with sponsorship of the City of Rome and the Town Hall XVI (November 9 to November 23, 2010).
• Participation in the VII Premio Celeste (August 2010).
• Participation in the artistic exhibition "Homage to Gianni Rodari - Nursery Rhymes in heaven and on earth," the cultural "GAM", with the participation of primary schools in the Municipality of Rome XVI at Doubleday Farm Villa Pamphili, Rome patronage. Host of the event Maria Teresa Ferretti wife of the writer Gianni Rodari. Review sponsored by the City of Rome and the Municipality XVI (May 18 to May 23, 2010).
• Participation in the exhibition "Young people tell their story ... The artists interpret" Egon Von Furstenberg at the hall of the Palazzo Valentini in Rome. Sponsored by the Province of Rome, the Rome City Hall and XVI. (April 28 to May 10, 2010).
• Participation to the 'Art Shopping "at the Carrousel du Louvre in Paris (23-25 October 2009).
• Participation in the group exhibition of painting "Others see. Happening inside. It happens outside "the gallery" Te Fenua ", in Piazza Umberto I, Ostia Antica, a medieval village (September 2009).
• Participation in the VI Premio Celeste (August 2009).
• Participation in the XI International Award MassenzioArte (July 2009).
• Participation in the exhibition Art in the spring and autumn 2009 "Villa Pamphili yesterday, today and tomorrow", in the garden of the Museum of Old Villa at Villa Pamphili organized by GAM (Artistic Group Monteverdino) with sponsorship of the City of Rome (May 2009 ).
• Participation in the Terna Award for Contemporary Art, "Terna Award 2001" (July 2008).
• Participation in the V Premio Celeste (July 2008).
• Participation in the group exhibition of painting "INARTE in Rome," the gallery "the Bracolo", in Via dei Quattro Cantoni Rome (December 2007).
• Participation in the XI International Award MassenzioArte (July 2007).
• Participation in the group exhibition of painting "A thousand artists for unity" (homage to Giuseppe Garibaldi) in "The Mitreo" in Rome (May 2007).
• Participation in the group exhibition of painting "Water, Source of Love" at the International Center SRO Via del Corso in Rome (April 2007).