Biography of Luana Raia

Raia Luana was graduating from Art College of Cardiff (Sect. STAC. Naples) and he finished his studies at the Accademia di Belle Arti in Naples with honors.
Qualified teacher of Art and Design and Image and Art History, Academy of Fine Art. the Brera with the best result, he attended several master to constantly update.
Teacher on the list since 2001, in state schools in the province of Bergamo.
He has exhibited and had some major prizes or awards and criticism, 1991 to present prizes in many national and collective or not.
His works are very varied in the archive of events, both in Italy and abroad.
An example may be some recent events: First prize for graphic art contest Mondadori, published in the monthly Art of Mondadori.
Show incision in Beijing, Shanghai and Polynesia, after a careful selection among many Italian artists (on the centenary of Marco Polo).
Publication of his works in the catalog for art collectors and so on.
"Engravings from the fourteenth century. The twenty-first century."
Salamon art gallery in Milan.
Exhibition in Kuala Lumpur (Malaisy), with the master Bruno Starita, (on which occasion, the president asked Mr. Liu Cheng Choong donated a work of art).
Award and exhibition of Italian graphic design in the town of Vigonza. Participation in "Starting Collection 'of the Art Verona, Salamon with the gallery in Milan.
Prize Arte Laguna, Venice Arsenale.
"Futur Generetion Art Prize, founded by Victor Pinckuch and organized by PinckuchArteCentre, United Kingdom.
This artist's first studio-Museum, "Foundation Federica Galli.
Upcoming appearances in shows made in the big cities of the world including New York, Beijing (Italian Pavilion), etc..
Section Academy achieved artistic maturity in 1995 at the Naples Art Academy, section of Cardiff, with grade 60/60;
Graduated the Academy of Fine Arts in Naples in 2000 with 110 votes and praise.
Written and spoken English (fair).

Artwork for the print shop G. Graziano, Naples;
Designer porcelain for the architect Naief Al Shoubaki, Naples
Designer handbags high fashion for G.M.B. LTD Naples;
Interiors for Ministerial Decree Furnish, Reggio Emilia;
From 2000 included in the rankings of teaching: Design and Art History, Art and image support in state schools in the province of Bergamo.
He presented his work at:
1991 "Collective of Painting" at the Castle of Cardiff (NA);
1993 "in June with" collective Afragola (NA);
1994 "distant future" Art School of Naples;
1995 Solo exhibition by Antonio Volpe, Piano di Sorrento (article on AM, by Antonio Volpe);
1996 "Hills Party" impromptu painting, Ass tourism Piano di Sorrento;
1997 "Contamination five" by Aurora Spinosa Archimas Laboratory, Naples;
1997 "Spring Art Centre Experimental Fe. Int E. R. Cart. Scafati (NA) (works in the archive);
1997 "Hills Party" impromptu painting, Piano di Sorrento;
1998 "Graphic Engraving" by master Bruno Starita, Epoch Coffee, Napoli;
1998 "Art and Freedom" award city of Avellino (first prize for the graphics section);
1998 "Art in the showcase Shops Corso Garibaldi, Naples by prof. Carmine Ruggiero
1998 "Young artists engravers exhibition by master Bruno Starita, Space Art, Naples;
1998 "Wandering Naples Church of Santa Maria Maggiore in Pietrasanta, Naples, curated by Aurora Spinosa;
1998 "Collective Exhibition of Painting" Public Library of Caggiano, Salerno;
1998 "International Award of Pomigliano city of Arc" by Tina Small;
1998 "Naples in the world Universal Academy Neapolis
1998 "From object to subject" Collective Former Bourbon prison, Montefusco, by prof. Carmine Ruggiero
1999 Contest "La Cuba d'Oro, Rome, Winsor and Newton, Milan; Lefranc, Milan (Italian participants selected from the exhibition held at the Academy of Paris), (works in the archive);
1998 "VIII national competition intaglio" Carolina (BG), (works in the archive);
1998 "Fabio Bertoni National Award for his recording" Fermignano and Pesaro, (works in the archive);
1998 Engraving Prize "Giuseppe Ugonia Silvio Morse" Brisighella (RA) (works in the archive);
1998 Prize "Felice Casorati" biennial painting, Turin (works in the archive);
1998 International award engraving town of Monsummano Terme (works on file);
1998 Hacking contest "The Bison", Florence, (works in the archive);
2000 "The schools of engraving techniques," Academy of Fine Arts of Naples (scholarship winner Banco di Napoli), works at the present headquarters of the Banco di Napoli;
2000 "Competition Ferrari Spumante" (works in the archive).
2000 Premio Arte Mondadori (first prize graphics), Milan, published in the monthly Art;
2000 Award Tiepolo Biennial contemporary engraving, Mirano (VE). (Representative of the Accademia di Belle Arti di Napoli);
2001 Award Agazzi "Bergamo;
2002 Award Tiepolo Biennial contemporary engraving, Mirano (VE);
2003 Award Agazzi "Bergamo;
2004 Award Tiepolo "Biennial of contemporary art, Mirano (VE).
2006/2007 Exhibition of engravings in Beijing, Shanghai and Polynesia (the centenary of Marco Polo.)
2008 "Antique Engravings by the fifteenth to the twenty-first century" Art Gallery Salamon (MI.)
2008 "Week of the Italian Language in the World" 8th Edition. Italian Art: Bruno Starita and his School, Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia), works donated to the President Mr. Liu Cheng Choong, (deputy president of SGM).
2009 "First Prize Italian Graphics, National Engraving Contest (works acquired by the Museum of the Italian Vigonza Graphics, will be shown later in City Hall).
2009 "Engravings on Women" Group exhibition of Church St. Severe to Pendino - Via Duomo, Naples, (works in the archive of the organization "Sea Eagle").
2009 ArtVerona, participation in "Starting collection" Salamon and gallery in Milan.
2009 "Graphic Arts Italian" competition and exhibition at the Castle of Vigonza From Peraga.
2010 "Premio Arte Laguna, Venice Arsenale.
2010 Future Generation Art Prize, founded by Victor Pinchuk and organized by PinchukArtCentre,United Kingdom.
2010 Artist included in the Foundation Federica Galli.