Biography of Wanda Bettozzi

Graduated from Art School and graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts in Rome in Via Ripetta at painting course of great artist Prof. Enzo Brunori .
She studied the engraving at Ornamental Arts (School of St. James) under the guidance of Prof. Adriana Gai.
He lives and works in Rome, she works about painting and engraving.
She graduated also at the Academy of High Fashion "Koephia" in Via Vittoria Colonna, she working as a designer for several years in the fashion industry.
Qualified teacher, she began working as a teacher of arts subjects in various public institutions, middle and high school.
During the same period, he attended the Academy of the Nude for two years following the course of Prof. Avanessian and attending at the same time, the Faculty of Arts with specialization in history of art for about three years.
During her artistic activity he became familiar with some prominent figures of contemporary art: Brunori, Argan, Gatt, Rossoni, Achilles Strazza, Vespignani, De Chirico, crimson, Innocenti, Gentilini, Berto, Corteggiani, Guttridge, Galante, Trotti, Gai, Frasca, Doggett, Rossetti, Virduzzo, etc. Ascanio. In the field of Fashion History and Costume: Irene Brin Anna Salvatore, Piero Tosi, Danilo Donati etc ....
She makes a lot of exhibitions since 1964, both in solo exhibitions and group exibitions, obtaining numerous public and critical acclaim,
1969 Rome Art study L’Etrusco Vicolo del 5
1970 Rome Art study Gallery L’Etrusco. group exhibition
1971 Rome Gallery L’Etrusco. solo Exhibition
1972 Rome Gallery L’Etrusco. solo Exhibition of painting
!973 Rome Gallery of via Brunetti
1974 Rome Gallery S.Giacomo exhibition d’incisione
1975 Rome Gallery of S.giacomo group exhibition.
1976 Rome Gallery of S.Giacomo . solo Exhibition
1982 Rome Academy of Belle Arti. exhibition of painting.
1984 Rome Academy of Belle Arti. exhibition of painting.
!985 Rome Academy of S.Luca. exhibition d’incisione
1988 Rome Gallery Minotauro. solo Exhibition
1989 Rome Academy of Grecia. solo Exhibition
1989 Rome Gallery Via del Fiume. group exhibition
1989 Rome Gallery Spazio Visivo. Via Brunetti
1990 Rome Gallery Spazio Visivo. exhibition solo Exhibition of painting e incisione
1991 Rome Gallery Luis Via Brunetti
1992 Rome Gallery Forum Interart. Picasso e le donne.
1992 Rome Gallery Forum interart. Carnevale .
1992 Rome Gallery Sterling Europea
1993 Rome exhibition Città Nova. Villaggio Globale
1993 Rome exhibition solo Exhibition, Premio Ripetta per l’incisione . Spazio Visivo.
1993 Rome Auditorium S. Leone Magno. solo Exhibition
1994 Rome Gallery Logogramma. solo Exhibition
1994 Rome Biennale of Artisti Contemporanei
1995 Rome Rassegna Re of Rome Piazza Cairoli
1996 Rome solo Exhibition al Foyer Teatro Rossini
1997 Cianciano Terme S.Elena
1996 Rome Rassegna Re of Rome Piazza Esedra
1997 Rome Gallery S. Bernerdo group exhibition
1997 Rome Rassegna Re of Rome Piazza Esedra
1997 Rome Gallery Via Nazionale Ass. Cerda
1998 Chianciano Terme S. Elena
1998 Rome Rassegna Re of Rome
1998 Rome Academy of Romenia
1999 Rome Rassegna Re of Rome
2000 Rome Rassegna Re of Rome. Via Nazionale
2000 Rome “Angeli” Basilica.S.M.degli Angeli
2001 Rome Rassegna Re of Rome Piazza Esedra
2002 Brescia Bottega Alta (Rezzato)
2003 Rome S. Michele (Beni Culturali)
2004 Rome Forum Interart.
2005 Rome Terracina.solo Exhibition PalazzoComunale.Sala of Renèe de La Blanchere
2006 Rome Omaggio a Fabrizio De Andrè. exhibition a Piazza De andrè.
2006 Rome exhibition d’arte Sacra. Chiesa del Santo Volto. “Nell’Attesa della Sua venuta”
2007 Rome Gallery Astrolabio. solo Exhibition
2007 Rome Gallery Pentart “Paesaggi Romeni”
2007 Rome “Forte Portuense”. Associazione Artarvalia
2007 Rome Biblioteca Marconi. “Il Forte Portuense”
2007 Rome “Gli animali e l’uomo.” Gallery Astrolabio
2007 Caserta “Il Fascino In..Discreto della Fantasia” Academy of Libere Scienze e Arti.
2007 Rome Villa Bonelli..Un’Oasi tra Arte e Natura
2008 Rome Teatro S.Raffaele
2008 Rome solo Exhibition Gallery Pentart
2008 Rome Cascina Farsetti-Villa Pamphili “Luci e Ombre” Ass. Ars
2008 Rome Biblioteca Marconi “linee Forme Colori”
2009 Rome “Maktub”Gallery il Canovaccio
2009 Rome Basilica S.Cosma e Damiano
2009 Rome “Armonie of Colori” Ass.Culturale “una strada per l’Arte”
2009 Rome “White City “ Epireo Art Gallery
2009 Marina of Massa “Io amo il mare”Gall. Astrolabio
2009 Rome solo Exhibition “Epireo Art Gallery” “
2009 Rome Gallery il Canovaccio “dedicato al Natale”
2009 Rome Museo of “Villa Pamphili”
2009 Rome Gallery L’Epireo “Pensieri, Parole, e …Pennelli”
2010 Rome Epireo Art Gallery “Le due Frida”
2010 Rome “Macro” Gallery Gli Ottagoni
2010 Rome Gallery il Canovaccio “ S: Giuseppe”
2010 Rome Gallery Il Canovaccio “ La Donna e l’Arte”
2010 Rome Biblioteca of Corviale “La Donna Ieri e Oggi”
2010 Rome Biblioteca Marconi “L’Infinito e l’Arte”
2010 Rome solo Exhibition all’Auditorium del liceo Montale
2010 Rome UCAI Gall. LaPigna group exhibition “La Bellezza”
2010 Rome Basilica dei Santi Cosma e Damiano. exhibition group exhibition
2010 Rome solo Exhibition al “Caffè Angelucci” Largo Fontanella Borghese
2010 Rome 3B Gallery (Porta Pia) group exhibition of 8 artisti
2010 Rome Palazzo Valentini “I giovani parlano gli artisti interpretano”
2010 Rome Villa Bonelli
2010 Rome Villa Torlonia
2010 Rome Villa Pamphili “Cascina Farsetti” “Dedicato a Rodari”
2010 Rome Centro C. e d’arte”Casetta Mattei”
2010 Rome Gallery Il Canovaccio “Omaggio a Caravaggio”
2010 Marino “Marino Collection” Museo Civico
2010 Rome “Arte al Centro” Centro Commerciale “Casetta-Mattei”
2010 Rome “La notte dell’Arte” Centro Commerciale “Casetta Mattei” Estemporanea
2010 Rome S.Cosma e Damiano (group exhibition)